Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I feel like such a JERK!

As most of you know we moved from the ghetto of Orem to BYU central! We've really liked it for the most part because we're in a house where we can mind our own business with out having a ton of neighbors (other than the thousands of students that live all around us of course) There are a few down sides and one of those is college students don't understand you can't park my drive way! I come home all the time with someones car in the drive way so i usually sit there and wait 5 minutes and they're back and i yell at them and say if they do it again i'm calling the tow truck. Well last week i came home from work and there was a little green Subaru in the drive way. So i waited for another college student to come get it and after about 10 minutes i realized they're not picking up someone for a date they really did just park in the drive way! I was so irritated i didn't want to deal with it after working the whole day, so i proceed to call our the towing company that i work with at Alpine Court. He comes takes the car away and i went on with my night feeling pretty good about my self i was going to finally teach those college students a lesson on curtsy and the appropriate places to park your car. Well about 20 minutes later Edgar our Maintenance manager comes to my front door. "Jessica have you seen my car? I was parked in the drive way." CRAP! Edgar had been working in the basement apartment! Now if i had known that was his car of course i wouldn't have towed it! So instead of the sense of pride and feeling like i had finally stuck it to some college kid that was parking where he shouldn't have, my stomach sank! I cant tell you how many times i apologized to Edgar. I felt SOOOO awful! Especially because usually I'm not such a jerk. But the one time i do something it ends up being one of my employees. Luckily i called the towing company and we were able to get the car out for free but i felt like such a jerk! I don't think i will ever tow some one again.