Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So i just thought i would write really quick and say I'M GETTING MARRIED IN THREE DAYS!!!!!! I cant believe it. I go threw the temple in 2! HOLY COW! and man are things crazy. BUT I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I murdered my fish....

Chris has a huge fish tank that is FULL of gold fish. And as a lot of you may know gold fish are really dirty! We decided to get rid of them and buy new cleaner fish. So our fish tank now consists of two molly fish one black and one yellow, two neon fish that are TINY and super fast, and lastly we decided to keep one of our white gold fish.

When we first got the fish my FAVORITE was the little yellow molly, because every time you go up to the fish tank it would swim up and follow your finger if you put it up against the glass. But the Black molly was such a jerk! Occasionally he would start fights with all of the fish. I didn’t think much of it, I figured he was just adjusting to his new home. But a few days past and it got worse! He was constantly chasing all the other fish. The once friendly fish who would follow my finger was now cowering in the top corner of the fish tank, and even still the black molly would chase her!

I got so frustrated with him that I finally took him out of the fish tank and in to a green cup where he wouldn’t be able to see any of the other fish. Yes that’s right I put my fish in time out! Just like your parents had you put your nose in the corner for ten minutes I put my fish in a cup for a whole day and thought it would teach him a lesson.

So the next morning i dumped him back into the fish tank. I thought he had learned his lesson. But when I got back from work later that day he was doing it AGAIN! What a jerk! So I took the little net we have and chased him with it until i thought he was as terrified as the other fish and then I proceeded to put him in time out again. After two hours of solitary confinement I again dumped him into the fish tank while Chris and I went to dinner.

When we came home he was fighting with my white gold fish! And worse the gold fish was now bleeding!! I felt so bad for him and I was SOOO Sick of this jerk I took the little net scooped out that black jerk and headed to his worst nightmare! The bathroom toilet! As I was standing by the toilet I looked at the fish and asked him any last words! He looked up at me almost egging me on! Yes that’s right i dropped him in the toilet and flushed him!!! Some may say it was murder but in my defense he was in water and he was alive when I flushed him. GOOD RIDDENS! So now I’m free of that black molly. The yellow molly has started to come up to the tank and follow my finger again. And all is good again!

So if anyone ever wants to get a fish DONT get a black molly. I've posted a picture below of what they look like.